Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well here is my update.

My eating compliance goal for this week was 85%. I made 83%. Not quite my goal but still very good. I am fairly pleased. I get close and than I sabatoge myself at the end of the week when I am almost there. Anyway. Exercise is also good. I made 5 of the 6 scheduled workouts.

Here is the confusing part. 3 weeks into my challenge I have GAINED 2 POUNDS. That is A LOT for me. The only time I have ever gained like that was when I was pregnant:) Seriously!
Needless to say I am NOT happy about that. I am supposed to go the other way. I suppose it could be muscle but I really don't know. My bust and my waist measurements are down 1.25 inches (sum total) but my hips, thighs and bicep are up in measurements 1.125 inches (sum total). So some measurements are up and some are down. Kind of a wash.

So where do I go from here. Do I change something or keep with the program. My gut feeling is to give it a couple more weeks. I know I am eating healthier than I have been so that is a plus.

Well I's like to write more but I have to go cook dinner now. I will check in later.

GOALS for this week: 90% compliance with my eating, at least 5 workouts (6 if I feel up to it but optional)