Saturday, November 29, 2008

Freaky Rash

I had something strange happen to me. Last weekend, I broke out into a rash all over my body. I can't prove it and I didn't go to a doctor but I am thinking that it is from how I have been eating these last few months. I have been eating a lot of crap and I think my body rebelled. I used to joke with my husband that since I started eating "leaner and greener" my body can't handle the junk. I don't think it is a joke. I don't think my body can handle a regualr diet of donuts and ice cream. It just rebelled in a major way! I also started having gall bladder pain. So maybe it isn't just about aesthetics for me. It is going to have to be about health. It freaked me out a little.
So I whipped out my oatmeal, flaxoil and lemon juice! And I cleaned up my diet! I also got the detox headache, although it wasn't too bad because I tried to GRADUALLY clean up my diet rather than just all in one day, whamo. Immediately my gall bladder felt better and after a few days, my rash is gone. Oh, I so need to get back on the wagon! Man, I miss having a trainer.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it sorted itself out.

Someone in my family had a Gallbladder Pain and it had to be removed.

I hope things continue to work out for you, and belive you can keep the effort up, becasue you CAN.

If you ever have trouble sticking to the plans, then think of your kids, and how being a good rolemodel, (in respect of health), can impact on them, because if you give yourself something simple to focus on, it might just help.

Take care and best wishes

:-) :-).
