Saturday, January 3, 2009

Start Day!

Actually yesterday was Start Day, but I didn't get to post until today! Yes I am starting again eating right and exercising. Yesterday was a Great day. I got a good workout in and ate terrific. Today I got a good workout in and ate good until this evening. I did not eat enough during the day and I was STARVING and cooking dinner at the same time. Well I picked on things I shouldn't have picked on just because I couldn't wait until my food was cooked. It will take me a day or two to get it all worked out again.

I went to Florida for the holidays. My parents live in West Palm Beach. My whole family was there except for my one brother. It was great but I did a lot of damage food wise. At one point my mom gave me the job of unwrapping the hershey kisses for the peanut butter blossom cookies that she was making. Ack!! I ate my mom's cookies every day! That is why I didn't even want to bother starting until after the holiday. I knew a week in my Mom's house with a load of home baked goodies would be too hard.

I made a nice goal poster with all my workouts posted on it. My husband said that if I work half as hard on my diet and exercise as I did on the poster, I will be doing great! He was making fun of my goal poster:) My husband asked me if I was going to get my bikini body back by spring. I said yes! He is really giving me a hard time about my weight. He still loves me of course but he is not used to seeing me this way.

Onward and upward.
Scale weight today: 121 lb (I was 112 this past summer)


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be fine.

Just trust in your head and heart to guide you, and no worries.

GOOD LUCK :-) :-).
