Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Post

Since I am home today with a sick child, I have time to write. I am feeling good mentally. Just like the economy, the fast downward spiral in my poor eating has slowed and is showing signs of improvement but in order to get it turned around completely it’s going to take some more effort on my part. :)

Once again Laura has posted another blog that I want to mention about giving up sugar. I too need to cut out the sugar! I seem to be having some health problems that may be related to my poor eating. I think I have a yeast infection. Sorry if that is TMI. The thing is, in my 39 years, I have only ever had one yeast infection and that was specifically because I was on antibiotics for an extended time. Also I have this sore thing on my side. YUCK. I know. I am gross. It is tiny though. I think maybe it is from chaffing from my bra or something and that it got infected. It is taking FOREVER to get better. Anyway I am reading that skin infections can be cause by poor eating. It may not be my poor eating, maybe I’m just getting old and am falling apart! LOL But it got me thinking. WebMD says some of these things (yeast infections and skin infections) can be due to an impaired immune system. I’m sure eating more vegetables and fruits and cutting out the excessive sugar would help my immune system.

Here is my eating plan for today.

Breakfast: oatmeal (w/protein powder) packet (reduced sugar), orange
Morning snack: 1 oz. leftover steak, 1c vegetables
Lunch: ½ cup vegetables, Healthy Choice frozen dinner
Afternoon Snack: ½ scoop protein powder (no carbs), apple, ½ TBSP peanut butter
Post workout shake (1/2 scoop)
Dinner: 2 oz pork, mashed potatoes (plain) 1 ½ c vegetables, decaf tea

I know there is room for improvement in the meal plan. Like regular oatmeal instead of a packet and no frozen dinner for lunch (make homemade lunch) but like I said above, I am not there yet. This is an improvement over past days which might look like this:

Breakfast: frosted mini-wheats and waffle with syrup
Morning snack: sf yogurt, 3 hersheys chocolate nuggets
Lunch: Healthy Choice frozen dinner, cookie, 5 hersheys chocolate nuggets
Afternoon Snack: more Hersheys chocolate nuggets or other candy
No post workout shake
Dinner: 1 oz. pork, mashed potatoes, buttered bread, large ice cream Sunday

So as you can see, no wonder I’m having health problems! All carbs, hardly any protein or vegetables and too much junk. Gah! I’m going a little crazy with the chocolate. I’m not even enjoying it anymore. So my goal has been to eat AT LEAST two servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit a day, eat more (but not gobs) of protein and remember my post workout shake. Once I get this under control, I may get even cleaner than that. I am hesitant to get too strict with my eating because I think I have sort of “rebounded” from my strict eating when I do that.

Moving on to workouts. Right now I have an awesome schedule that I really like. It looks like this:

Week 1 (bodybuilding type schedule “A”)
Monday: Legs, Abs
Tuesday: Chest, 30 min cardio
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Shoulders, Abs, 30 minutes of cardio
Friday: Back
Saturday: Arms, 30 minutes of cardio

Then I switch it up a bit.
Week 2 (Bodybuilding type schedule “B”)
Monday: Shoulders, Back
Tuesday: Legs, 30 min cardio
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Chest, Abs, 30 minutes of cardio
Friday: Arms
Saturday: Abs, 30 minutes of cardio

Week 3 (back to bodybuilding type schedule A again)

Week 4 (full body circuit type training)
Monday: Full body circuit type weight training
Tuesday: 30 min cardio, no weights
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: full body circuit type weight training
Friday: 30 min cardio, no weights
Saturday: 30 min cardio, no weights

Week 5 I repeat the cycle only starting with bodybuilding workout “B”

So like this:
A, B, A, circuit, B, A, B, circuit and so on.

My current cardio of choice is running! Because it is Summa . . . summa . . . summaTIME!! I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible these days.

This schedule works because it has LOTS of variety, which I love. And it allows me to do some running which I also love. And it gives me 2 rest days per week, which my body really seems to need. There is not much cardio in there I know but it works for me. To be honest I rarely do ALL of my workouts but if I shoot for 5 days a week and only workout 3, I have STILL done 3 workouts per week which is still good for health, which is a BIG part of what I am going for. I write my workouts on my calendar a week in advance.

Oh, and since I got sick (flu) in the spring, I got behind in my training for the YMCA pump and run so I don’t think I will be able to do it but I still will do some of the other runs that I planned.

Geeze I wrote a book today. Just imagine how much writing I could do if I was home all the time! Well I’d better go.


Laurie said...

WOW!! I'm so honored/humbled/embarassed/excited that you have found my blog useful. That's my hope in writing it that someone out there reads it and can relate. Thank you! You are absolutely in with me on this - we can beat sugar - we don't need it! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The main thign is you seem to going in positive directions, so take the little positives, be proud of them and good luck.

I hope your child gets better soon.

Take care.

:-) :-).
