Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Write Something would Ya!

Gah! I should write something. It's halfway through June. I did make it to 120.0. But only for a day. Gah! Then back up to 121.0 I need to shoot for 119.0 now.

I haven't exercised for a week. I became disorganized last week and busy with my family. Well I finally got to run tonight. And I was like the energizer bunny, wanting to keep going and going. It felt sooo good after being off for so long. I sooo needed it. Ahh.

I have a deadline at work that I am working on. THat always makes me lose focus a little on my clean eating. I am a stress eater. Blah.

I am sooo loving summer but I feel like I am trying to squeeze all my fun stuff that I want to do into 3 short months. I need to RELAX but I am too busy trying to have fun!

Well I have to go tuck my girls into bed!


Anonymous said...

The main thing is you're getting more positive things happening, and it's more coming together how you need it to.

Good luck and best wishes.

:-) :-).
