Monday, February 6, 2012


I lost a pound and a half. It is not much and it is much less than my January goal of four to five pounds, but . . . . . . I am feeling more energy and I think my stomach is smaller. I can tell I'm getting in shape. I just need to keep going.

I am doing mostly cardio with some circuit training. I want to start weight training again. I miss it and I miss the feeling of strength and balance that I get from it. I like to be able to lift groceries and heavy things and take giant steps up on high places and feel my legs just power right up on the high step without any strain at all. I used to be able to do that. There is a high wall at a local park and I used to be able to just step right up there. It was because I was weight training. Now I feel all wobbly. My strength is gone and (this surprises me) my balance is not as good. So, all that to say I need to get back into it. I always hated to weight train my legs because it is so HARD but I have to say, I think it does the most good on my body. Running eats muscle so leg training is good. I just feel more balanced when I train my legs. Plus, they look a little better. :)

So, that's the update.