Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hanging in there

Hello. I have still been sick. I am over my pnumonia but I still have chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue. My doctor thinks it will just take time. But I am going to a lung specialist next week. I haven't exercised since the end of January. I don't have energy to get through my regular day let alone exercise. I lost 9 pounds being sick but I am holding steady with my weight now. I actually don't want to lose any more weight because it is due to being sick and is not healthy weight loss. So I am happy that I am not losing any more right now.

I'm hanging in there. But it has been a long road. So I will see what next week brings.


Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK, and try not to worry too much.

Take care and best wishes.

:-) :-).


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better now. HUGS girl, thanks SO much for checking up on me!