Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fooling Myself!

I feel that I have tried the moderation in dieting in order to lose weight and I haven't been successful in losing any weight. I DO need to define WHAT "moderation" is for me. (By the way, is moderation ALWAYS a good thing? I mean if it's for a good cause, wouldn't a little extremeness be good?)

RIGHT NOW, I have pumpkin pie, whipped topping, sweet potato pie, lime party salad, Hershey's minitures, ice cream (two kinds), ice cream bars, lowcal fudcicles, and homemade chocolate peanut butter fudge IN MY HOUSE. I may be fooling myself believing THAT is moderation. THAT doen't sound like moderation to me.

It seems to me that when I think back to the brief time when I experienced some success with changing my body for the better, it took about 8 months of consistent effort. Eight (8) months. Hmmm. Eight (8) months. . . .

This challenge, I quit after not seeing progress in 1.5 months.

If I was in it for LIFE and made a lifestyle change, I wouldn't have quit.

As far as my fear of becoming extremely self-centered and unhealthy obsessive about dieting, there is always that risk. It could happen. But maybe, I should TAKE that risk. I won't know until I try. What if I make the change, take the risk and this doesn't happen. How great will that be!

And those words are subjective anyway. That makes me uncomfortable. I would rather have everybody nod their head in approval than have someone say something negative about me. Again, another risk that someone might not approve. (Actually, chances are, someone will disapprove.) Really though they only persons' opinion that I care about is mine and my husband's. He said as long as my losing weight doesn't negatively affect him (bad moods or having salad for dinner everyday) he doesn't care what I do. As long as it makes me happy. My husband says he supports me. So I shouldn't have any excuses. Maybe I AM just making excuses for myself.