Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Check In

Yes. I need to check in! It has been too long since I have blogged. I haven't been able to think of what to write. It is not as easy to blog as it seems. So . . . what to write about.

On the fitness front . . . . I am waiting . . . until the new year to start again. I am just so busy with Christmas stuff right now that it is hard to find the time to eat right. Also, I ordered Precision Nutrition. I am looking for a nutrition plan that will make me feel good and one that I can live with! I've been trying to follow PN but without actually buying it (I'm too cheap!). But that was not working so I just ordered it. I am happy with it so far.

Other news . . . . This time of year I get all these ideas of things I'd like to do and accomplish. But then I get discouraged quickly because I don't feel like I have time to do any of them. Ugh! So I'm going crazy with that right now . . . . I do NOT WANT to become one of those people who make new year's resolutions and then don't keep them. Please . . . don't let me become one of them!