Sunday, December 30, 2007

Today is the Day!

Yep. I start my "I'm going to kick ass!" today.

The good.
I worked out today. I was tired. It was spitting rain. It was cold, very coold.

I went anyway. Talked myself through it the whole way - 30 min of walk/run cardio outside.

Now I feel GREAT!. More energy and less stress than I have had in days.

The bad.
I ate a few bites of fudge. This will have to stop if I want to achieve the body I want.

And the ugly!
There is really NO UGLY today. Except for a few bites of fudge(which is bad, but not ugly), I'm OK.

Anyway, today is the day. I want to make some serious progress in January.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetnshort! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. Just getting caught up with you. Struggling with healthy eating and fitness is something we all go through. If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll see how much I've struggled on and off. Joining up with Tony has been the best thing I could've EVER done. I've been where you're at...MANY times. But, your last post sounds great and if you just try to remain consistent and know that YOU ARE WORTH feeding your body healthy foods and exercising it to make it fit and healthy, then sooner than you know it, it will just be a habit and you'll be at the weight you wanted to be all along. Hang in there. I'm here for you. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It's 2008, THIS WILL BE YOUR YEAR!