Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life Got In The Way This Week

Yes this week, life has got in the way of my focus on myself. I find myself just saying screw it! My daughter was sick, so I was home with her and off my schedule. I find it much harder to eat right when I am home all day rather than at work. I know this is not a good excuse. I need to just work with what I have. Now I am sick and have NO energy to work out. I am taking it easy because I think my body needs the rest. I think I am PMSing because I am super CRAVING chocolate and various carbs! Ugh need I say more.

After two weeks I took measurements and I am up about 0.125 inch in waist measurement and up about a pound so that is not good progress. I am wondering if I need to hire a professional to help me out because I don't seem to be doing very well on my own.

On a off topic, I am SICK OF feeling like a failure because I ONLY get 15 things done out of the 25 things that I have to do everyday. In other words even though I can get some things accomplished, I still am frustrated that I didn't do EVERYTHING!