Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yes I am still here

Yes I am still here. I have been sick on and off for two weeks and had a migrane for 5 days. My eating has been horrible, totally off plan, not even trying really. So I think I am ballooning up! I need to drag myself back up. I re-started taking BC pills about 4 months ago and my hormones are going crazy. I am craving junk food, depressed, overwhelmed and have been getting migranes every month. So this is all wrecking havoc on my plan to lose this fat! I know it just sounds like a lot of excuses. Actually that is why I haven't been writing, because I don't want to just write that I am failing, yet again and sound like a whiner. But I really wanted to update. So I did. There you go. Not a good update, but an update. I sometimes wish I could hire a trainer/nutritionist to help me but no $ right now for that. Maybe later.