Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Feeling good today. Weekdays are always SO much easier to stick to clean eating and exercise because I have a regular schedule. This past weekend was chaotic.

Everybody says that you should hang pictures up all over your house of your "ideal body" in order to inspire yourself. This just hasn't worked for me. All it has ever done is discouraged and frustrated me.

Well I was reading about Dara Torres and yes she is ripped. Well I read that she spends several hours a day training and more importantly gets personal massages to help her recover. Apparently, given her age, she needs to do "extra" care for her body like frequent massages to help her body repair from her training. Well I think that if you don't have these same "resources"(i.e. time, professional staff, etc.), but you're still trying to get the same results (look like her) then are you SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR FAILURE.

Instead, I personally think that you should visualize personal goals that are meaningful to yourself and not just try and "look like somebody else." I am short, 5' 1" and I know that I will never have a body with a long waist. I just won't so I shouldn't even try. I would never look like Dara. I am just not tall enough to have that long lean look. I find it better to visualize what I think MY body would look like without the extra fat and that helps me more than comparing myself to someone else. Just my 2 cents.

And so my TIP OF THE WEEK is this: Think Long and Hard about what these "ideal body" people do every day to achieve their body (and if it is an athlete, then they do a LOT) and be honest whether you have the same resourses available. Yes you want to reach high, but don't go beating yourself up to the point where you are discouraged, especially if you are not a professional athlete.


Anonymous said...

Good advice. People can and should aim high for goals, but not so high that they create impossible scenarios for themselves.

People who do that, may find they set goals they cannot reach, get bummed about it, and potentially quit.

People should never want a physical goal in such a way, that it becomes an emotionally negative experience, as that's counterproductive.

Take care and best wishes :-) :-).


Buffedstuff said...

Awesome advice, each person has to do his or her best. I wish you well on your journey.