Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Strong September

I traditionally have always loved fall. I wanted to get married in the month of September (but facilities dictated we do it in October, which worked too:). Maybe the reason that I like fall is that I feel strong. I'm just coming off of summer where there has been lots of sun, fresh fruits and veges and lots of outdoor activity! And there is also the promise of learning something new with school starting. Even when you are no longer in school, the memory is there. And even though the weather starts to cool off, I can still enjoy being outside well into November.

All that being said, (up until very recently this week) I have not been "feeling the love" so to speak this year about fall. The last two years, it has just been downright depressing. The pool closing, etc. I have NEVER been like that! What is up with that?!

Anyway, I wish I could "get" in the mood for fall. I guess I am just too focused on summer ending rather than fall starting. I also think that part of the reason I am "down" is I have been watching too much damn news!! Ugh! It is sooo depressing. I am declaring a "fast" from the news, no Today show and no evening news! I just can't stand it anymore. Seriously since I've skipped watching the evening news the last few evenings, I AM actually feeling better. Amazing.

P.S. "Tip of the Week"

Keep your tuna in your refridgerator rather than the cupboard. That way, it is already chilled when you want to eat it. I can't believe it has taken me all these YEARS to come up with this idea! :) But my Dad always says, "Better to be a slow learner than a no learner!" Ha.


Anonymous said...

The news REALLY depresses me. My Hubby thinks it's important to stay in the know, but I'd just rather not know. I know there are horrible things going on, I don't need to hear about them everyday.

Summer ending has always been sad to me. Summer is my favorite season and I really hate to see it go. I don't particularly like having to wear more clothes especially THIS fall because I've lost the weight and I want to show it off! Now I have to 'cover up'! Dang! I just keep thinking summer will be back around again and by then I'll be even HOTTER!!

Great tip too!

Anonymous said...

I hope whatever you're feeling it disspates soon.

Best wishes and take care :-) :-).
