Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The VALUE of it

I only have a few moments. Just a quick note to let you know where I am at. I am really having a hard time finding the motivation to lose more weight. I can't connect it to a VALUE that I hold high. I mean I don't need to lose weight for the health of it, (I don't have high blood pressure or anything like that). So it is purely an aesthetic thing for me, which seems kind of shallow to me, which demotivates me.

So right now I am not making progress.

But the funny thing is I don't think I want to go back completely to the way I was eating before. I crave lean meat and vegetables more now than I ever did. Tonight I got Burger King for my family but I reheated some leftover lean pork, veges and had an apple and I can honestly say that BK food was NOT appetizing to me AT ALL and my veges tasted DELICIOUS! What's up with that! But then I had some ice cream which ALSO tasted delicious. So you see I still have issues.

I want to get a lean body but I feel so self-centered and superficial sometimes when I'm in the middle of the process of going after it.

OR am I just making excuses for myself so that I don't have to have the discipline. I don't know. . . .


Anonymous said...

Well, even you ASKING that last question gives you your answer. Funny how we do that to ourselves, huh? I can come up with a thousand excuses WHY and they sound SOOO legitimate to ME. But, in reality, that's all they are...excuses. What it REALLY comes down to is WHAT IS GOING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. If you aren't happy where you are at, then you have to make the changes to get to where you want to be. I'm SLOWLY learning that lesson.

I'm also with you on the clean eating. McDonalds and BK don't even SMELL remotely good to me anymore. I used to CRAVE it. I still crave pizza though. And pie. And cake. So, it's always a battle. You will figure it out, I'm sure. HUGS girl!

Anonymous said...

You'll find a way. Just trust in your head and Heart to guide you yeah.


:-) :-).


ColeC said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog ;)

One question I have for you is, by "lean" what do you mean? I know for me, I kept telling myself that same thing and then focussed on all the bodybuilding stuff. I tried it "thier" way and started not enjoying it so I would stop. I finally figured out that what I realy wanted was to be at a healthy size, still have curves, and feel energized and great. After realizing what I truly wanted for myself, the rest came more easily. Now if you want to go into competing, then the bodybuilding way is the way to go.