Wednesday, March 12, 2008

PMS week

I'm still here. I am having a rough week this week. Mainly I am just more hungry than normal. I think it is PMS. I'm not whining, I am just aware of this problem. I never realized how I really do feel different before my period. Now I am more aware of it. This is a good thing though because when I recognize my extra hungriness, I try not to go overboard with my eating. You know what they say, being aware of the problem is half the battle. I have to admit I have been eating a few extra carbs this week. I don't think I could avoid binging on carbs if I didn't allow myself something. So I allow myself a few extra but healthy carbs to keep my sanity and my strength up.

I have not weighed yet. Next Wednesday I will. I don't know how I will take it if I haven't lost anything. I'm guessing pretty bad! Of course I flip back and forth between feeling like I am making progress and feeling like I am not getting anywhere!


Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK and take care :-) :-).


Laurie said...

Good job being mindful - it's harder than it sounds. I hope the scale is friendly tomorrow for you.

Thanks for your comment.