Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Weigh in Day

Well I weighed today. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. The suspense was killing me. I am the same weight as when I started 25 days ago. No loss, no gain. Frankly I am really surprised. I thought I would lose at least a pound, but nothing.

Well I am disappointed and of course it is a blow to my motivation. I'm not sure what I want to do. I could continue with my dieting and exercise program that I have now, but do I really want to do that if I see no results. Seems kind of silly. Sweating on a treadmill and hobbling around after a hard leg day with weights and looking in the mirror and seeing no change.

I not sure that I am willing to work any harder than I am right now. I am exercising about 4 hours a week and basically eating NO desserts and trying to eat 5 small balanced meals of protein, fat and carbs per day. Obviously I need to eat less and move more but I really don't have time to exercise more and frankly I felt pretty hungry these last 25 days so I don't think I could eat LESS and still function at my job and take care of my kids etc. So I'm considering resigning myself to the fact that my size and shape is what it is and I should just get used to it. I'm almost 40 and I guess what everybody says about it getting hard to look decent when you're older might me correct. I find it hard to accept because I see other people have success but I really gave it my all for 25 days and nothing! I don't kwow what else I can do.

That's all for now. I'll post again soon.


Anonymous said...

I recently posted a link to a meal planner on my messageboard you might find useful. Not amounts or ratios, just things to combine together in certain ways.

Eating less is not necessarily a good thing. If your calories are lower than they should be, for quite an active person, you will create a starvation mode, and force the body to cling onto things like Fat.

This might sound unusual, but maybe depending on your needs you would consider eating more.

Not much more but for example, if you're eating for example, 1,500 calories, increase to about 2,000 based on your activity levels, and don't assume loads of Cardio is necessarily the way to go if you do, you might be better doing 2x cardio a week, and 3 times weights a week full body stuff as well.

Maybe even add a 6th meal into the mix, so if you were needing to possibly add another 300-500 calories day, it would make it easier to not have to increase other meals as highly.

You could be over doing it with certain things, losing bits of muscle, and replacing them with bits of Fat, ergo, same weight stats.

If you need any extra help or assistance, then you can if you want visit my site, and myself and others would do what we can to help you.

Your e-mail would never be compromised, your identity hidden, and personal info withheld if you wished, so I could assure you you shouldn't have any issues, and unless it was really necessary, you wouldn't be contacted via e-mail by me, and couldn't be contacted by anyone else, unless you publicised your address.

Don't resign yourself to being what you are. If you want to change, and you want to make a difference to yourself, then there is no reason why you can't do that, but one thing you mustn't do is think you cannot achieve anything here, because you CAN, and already your body is no doubt better for things like Blood pressure, Bone health, reduced risk of some ailments and killer diseases, so this is NOT a waste of your time.

I'd like to if possible do something to help, or do something to try and shed some light on what you're possibly doing / not doing, so if you feel a bit uncomfortable about joining a site like mine, you can contact me here, if that makes you feel any easier about things.

Whatever happens, don't give up, and don't feel like you're not capable, because there is no reason why your body shouldn't be able to change in some ways, and you shouldn't feel defeated like this, as it may make you want to give in, and then potentially get a bit fatter.

I know some people find it harder than others to progress, but you should be VERY, VERY PROUD of yourself for sticking to this, and giving your body some proper love and attention in the ways you do, and you should never feel like anything you do, is a waste of time, or a failing you will have to get used to.

Whatever happens, GOOD LUCK, and keep pushing for it yeah. It CAN happen, you just need to find a way to do it, and like I say, if you need more help in any way, please do feel free to e-mail me, or contact me on my Steelmuscle Board, (linked on my site), and I'll try to do what I think I can for you, but don't be downhearted okay.

Your effort is amazing as far as I can see, and I think it's just a case of a few tweaks perhaps, and a bit of a re-jig on a few things, and as long as you're willing to keep giving to yourself, like you are doing, then results you want CAN happen, and you mustn't ever give up on that, or feel a failure. YOU'RE NOT.

I know you're a great person, and you deserve the things you want, so GOOD LUCK again, try not to fret too much okay, and just remember that there is nothing wrong with your body, that you cannot achieve, and you are plenty able at your age, to do what you want to do physically, and you have so much time on your side.

Take care, best wishes, and have a great day :-) :-).
