Monday, August 4, 2008

Feeling better

I feel positive today. I did it before and I can do it again!
Today's positives:

  • I worked out for 45 minutes and I pushed it hard. (Total body CRIT)
  • I drank a lot of water today. I made it a point to fill up my water bottle and drink it.
  • I took my suppliments.

Some negatives:

  • I had to cut my workout short due to time limitations and didn't get back to it.
  • My third meal I had a cookie.

I need to get my "glycogen stores" depleted in order to lose fat. It seems that is when I see progress in the fat loss department. I know when they are down, when I feel like crap! Just kidding, sort of. When I walk into the gym thinking, "Ugh. Walking up steps is a chore. How am I ever going to workout?" Then I know I am on the right track for fat loss. It's when I carb up on donuts and bound up the steps going into the gym thinking, "Alright! I can't wait to get to it! I feel grrrrrrreat!" Then I'm in trouble. Great workouts but no fat loss.

So that is my plan for the next two days, to trim those starches and "glycogen deplete" so to speak. Then let the fat loss begin!


Anonymous said...


:-) :-).


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Keep at it, it will come....