Friday, August 29, 2008

Non Fitness Stuff

I seem to be going through a spiritual crisis.

Regarding trusting God. In relation to trusting God with my most "treasured possessions", which are actually not possessions at all, that is, my family. Also in questioning what is true vs. what is a lie (as in Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judiasm). And questioning the logic of God. You know, the big stuff, heavy stuff. (Leave it to me. Some people have accused me of taking life entirely too seriously. They might just be right, ya think?)

. . . . . . . . which of course leaves me exhausted and with the realization that questioning the logic of God is insane since the odds of me and my human mental capabilities understanding the logic of God are worse than say, ant vs. ocean.

. . . . . . which leads me to the issue of trusting God, having faith and believing even though/if/in spite of I don't "know" everthing.

. . . . . . which is where I started.

It is enough to drive a person crazy!

So I've got nothing to write about on fitness right now because my brain is preoccupied. Seriously preoccupied.

Ah, here is something fitness related;

Except that this spiritual crisis is causing me stress, anxiety, mild depression and occasionally sheer panic.

Which I am coping by using food and eating out of panic. I won't even admit how terrible my eating has been. I saw the term, "Anxiety binge eating" in an ad today. Yep that about sums it up.

This spiritual crisis started out as frustration over unanswered prayer for my unbelieving husband and turned into an issue with me. (my unbelief).

Which is so like God, ya know? "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5


Anonymous said...

Personally you shouldn't let it worry you. I'll readily admit to being atheist, because I don't believe a lot of what the Bible says, logically in particular, and I find Atheism is a way of believing what you want, and putting store in what you want, not restricting yourself, but I don't have anything much against religion.

You need to prioritise what's relevant in your life, and decide if certain factors are unnecessarily complicating things, are they worthwhile, or something you could do without.

Time will march on regardless of what people think or believe, and we can't stop that, but we can do things to make that eternal passage to old age smoother, and if you wrestle with inner demons of any kind, too much, then you need to find out how to tame them, because this clearly isn't something like a moment in your childhood that bothered you for a bit, that you think abotu every once in a blue moon, it seems to be affecting you on a daily basis, and affectign how you eat, and go about your daily activities.

Whatever happens, good luck, and just keep your chin up and be strong. You do need to get control of this though, before it possibly leads to destabilisation of the domestic setup, and affects your kids too, when you're not in the right headspace for them.

Good luck, and try not to worry too much about this okay :-) :-).
