Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Monday to You

I meant to post this weekend. I didn't make my goal of 112.0 this weekend but it was NO surprise to me because I have not been eating clean. Plain and simple. It doesn't work if you don't do it.

BUT on to better things. I am not giving up. It is hard when you are the ONLY one who really cares if you lose those last 10 pounds or not and that is making it hard for me. At least when I had Tony, I knew there was AT LEAST one other person who cared if I met my goal this week. And it doesn't help that none of my friends are interested in fitness (not even slightly.) It's like I'm interested in basket weaving or something.

So my goals are to make progress. So far, so good today on eating but I need to get my workout done yet today. One kid is home sick, so it has to be an at-home workout rather than gym.


Anonymous said...

You CAN achieve what you're looking for, you just need to keep believing in yourself, head high and chin up.

Don't lose Heart okay. You ARE doing great, so trust in that, and just keep looking for even more from yourself. You know it's there, and you WILL find it :-) :-).
