Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finding New Ways to Kill Myself at the Gym

Blame it on the Olympics. All those competitors pushing themselves. The stories of sacrifice. The victory waves as the music plays . . . .

Me: (skipping into the gym)

Yes cardio today. Intervals to be exact.

Here is what I did.

10 minute warmup
30 sec hard, 15 sec recovery, Repeat 20 times.
2 minutes cool down (walk)
5 minutes Steady state cardio

The intervals are a 1:1/2 ratio of hard/easy, rather than a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio of hard/easy which a lot of interval work is. I got the idea off of some bodybuilding sites. And it kicked my butt. My face was red at the end and someone in the gym even remarked "Good run, eh?" So I must of looked tired. And Tuesday when I did the workout, I got that "hurt"chest feeling from breathing so hard! I haven't felt that way in a while. I vaguely remember that feeling from my cross country interval training days in high school! AAhh. The memories. Chest hurt. Face beet red. Good Times!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the hard woek, and well done.

:-) :-).
